How much alcohol, tobacco and cash can be brought to Denmark?

Restrictions on tobacco and alcohol products in different European countries may vary, Denmark is no exception.

To Denmark, can be imported up to 300 cigarettes, 10 liters of strong drinks and 110 liters of beer. You have to declare customs duties for bringing more than EUR 10,000 in cash.

Product Quantity
Cigarettes 300 pcs
Cigars 200 pcs
Tobacco 1kg
Alcohol over 22 promil 10L
Table wine 90L
Beer 110L 

It is important to note that only adults can carry such quantities of cigarettes or alcoholic products to Denmark.

You can bring medicine from abroad, as long as it is for your own use. Exceptions are made for extremely strong sleeping pills and pain relief medications.

On the other hand, medicines containing morphine or substances that produce euphoria should receive a separate authorization from the pharmacy where they were purchased, that they are intended for personal use and can be transported in the Schengen area. Such confirmation may be requested at the airport, otherwise if such an approval cannot be provided, the medication can be confiscated.


Tobacco can only be brought to Sweden by people over 18 years old.

From 2015, only 300 cigarettes can be imported from Lithuania, Latvia, Croatia, Romania or Hungary. To import more cigarettes you will have to pay 1.51 SEK for each cigarette.

The following amount of imported tobacco is exempt from tax from other EU countries:

  • 800 cigarettes
  • Or 400 cigarillos
  • or 200 cigars
  • or 1 kg of smoking tobacco

It is important to know that tobacco has to be imported for your own needs. To import more, you will have to explain why you need such a big amount of tobacco. If tobacco is for sale, you will have to pay taxes.


Alcohol can only be imported by people over the age of 20 and is intended for personal or family use.

  • 10 liters of strong drinks
  • 90 liters of wine
  • 20 liters of strong wine (15-22 percent)
  • 110 liters of beer


There are restrictions on the amount of money transported from EU countries. Without declaration passengers can bring in and out of the EU up to 10,000 EUR in cash. Amounts in excess of 10,000 EUR must be declared to the tax authorities of the country concerned.
