Child and youth benefits for minors

Benefits for minor children (Danish: børn- og ungeydelse) are paid in Denmark for those parents who have a long-term or seasonal worker contract and pays taxes in Denmark.

If only one parent is working in Denmark and the child / children live abroad, it is mandatory that the person working in Denmark should have at least 39 hours of work per month. If the person is the owner of the company, it is required to work at least 80 hours per month.

If you live, work and pay income taxes in Denmark, you can get state benefits for underage children. Regardless of whether the children live in Denmark or abroad. The requirements for child benefit may vary, depending on whether the whole family is residing in Denmark or only one parent, whether the children are in another country or in Denmark.

You must have lived or worked in Denmark, Greenland or the Faroe Islands for a total of 6 years within the last 10 years in order to be entitled to full family benefits.

If you have received Danish family benefits before 1 January 2018 and are still entitled to it, you are instead subject to a 2-year earning principle. This means that you must have lived or worked in Denmark for at least 2 years within the last 10 years.

If only one parent works in Denmark and the child lives in Lithuania, then 6 years of service will be required. Work experience in another EU country is also included.

If a child is born in Denmark, he / she is automatically paid a parental benefit in Denmark. If the parents do not have 6 years of service in Denmark, they have to fill in the application and the amount of the benefit will be recalculated according to their length of service in Denmark and other EU countries.

If you meet the requirements, you can get your child benefits from the date you started working / living in Denmark, but no more than 3 years ago.

Child benefits are paid quarterly – January 20, April 20, July 20, and October 20.

Child benefit is paid every quarter (2019):

Children 0-2 years old – 4,557 kr. every quarter

3-6 years old children – 3.609 kr. every quarter

Children 7-14 years old – 2.838 kr. every quarter

15-17 year old child – 946 kr. every month

In case of twin or triple birth, you will automatically receive child benefits (børnetilskud). You will also automatically receive child benefits, if you have adopted multiples. 

When your children are over 7 years old, you can get a grant of DKK 2,377 per. quarter (2019) for each child, in addition to the first child. For example, if you have twins, you can get a supplement for one twin. For triplets you can get subsidies for two of the triplets, etc. The grant is tax free. Be aware that child allowance (børnetilskud) is not the same as child and youth benefits (børne- og ungeydelse) or child support (børnebidrag).

If the child lives abroad and receives benefits in that country, the amount of benefits paid abroad will be deducted from the benefit in Denmark. Or you will have to give up the paid benefit abroad. 

Baltic Advice Cooperation with Udbetaling Danmark

Baltic Advice has an exclusive agreement with EU Udbetaling Danmark. As a result, each week we contact our contact person in this section and are interested in the progress of each case. When we find out about the new information, you will be notified of the progress on your case by email or phone.

Percentage table by seniority / living in Denmark or another EU country:

6 months 8.3 pct.

1 year 16.7 pct.

1.5 years 25 pct.

2 years 33.3 pct.

2.5 years 41.7 pct.

3 years 50 pct.

3.5 years 58.3 pct.

4 years 66.7 pct.

4.5 years 75 pct.

5 years 83.3 pct.

5.5 years 91.7 pct.

6 years 100 pct.